Xavierian University

Navigating Challenges with Agile Creativity

The COVID-19 pandemic introduced significant challenges for educational institutions globally, including the Pontifical Xavierian University, a distinguished institution in South America. Tasked with ensuring educational continuity and keeping students engaged amid these challenges, the university looked for innovative solutions to adapt.


A key question emerged during this period of uncertainty: "How can we provide our students with real reassurance and guidance?" In response, the university's communications team partnered with Kavanah Creative to create a narrative that would not only address student concerns but also inspire hope and encourage action.


We quickly took action, initiating our creative brainstorming as soon as the overarching message was outlined, even though the specifics were still being refined. This proactive approach allowed us to closely align with the university's vision from the outset. Storytelling was central to our strategy, aiming to weave a narrative that reflected the students’ experiences and their yearning for a return to normalcy. Our efforts culminated in a short, emotionally captivating video that became a key component of a broader campaign designed to re-engage students, timed perfectly with the enrollment period.


  • Rapid project advancement using agile methods
  • Effective use of storytelling via illustration and animation
  • Smooth integration with the university's existing communications channels

This approach not only helped the university maintain a connection with its students during a time of great upheaval but also showcased the power of visual storytelling in fostering community and hope.

Agile Creativity

This case study illustrates the crucial role of visual storytelling in crisis communications, demonstrating its effectiveness and speed. By partnering with Kavanah Creative, the Pontifical Xavierian University not only preserved its essential link with the student community during unprecedented challenges but also successfully aligned with broader initiatives promptly.

Impact Area

  • Branded Storytelling
  • Crisis Comms
  • Connecting sales with marketing

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