
Storytelling That Sells

Nueve.27, a proud exporter of gourmet Colombian coffee, had a dream to bring their exquisite blends from the lush fields of Colombia to coffee enthusiasts in North America. Our goal was to help them refine their brand strategy, uncovering the true essence of their identity and positioning them as worldwide ambassadors of gourmet coffee culture.


The ambition was clear: to cross borders and appeal to the refined tastes of North American coffee lovers. The challenge? To craft a brand identity that respected their rich Colombian heritage while also striking a chord with sophisticated palates. In a market overflowing with options, it was crucial to highlight their authenticity, community focus, and unmatched quality.


Our partnership began with an in-depth workshop on brand strategy, aiming to tap into the rich narrative potential of Nueve.27. We wanted to celebrate every step of the coffee's journey, from its origins to the shared moments it creates among its drinkers.

  1. Brand Strategy: Through thoughtful discussions, we distilled Nueve.27’s core values, emphasizing the connection between Colombian producers and global coffee lovers. This insight was the foundation for a rebranding that felt genuine and welcoming.
  2. Meaningful Storytelling: Diving deep into the coffee production process, we developed a story that linked the experiences of growers and consumers. This story played a key role in showcasing the brand’s commitment to community and a superior coffee experience.
  3. Brand Activation: At the heart of our strategy was a redesign of Nueve.27’s packaging. Our aim was for every package to act as a tangible representation of their story and dedication. Through careful material choice and creative design, we made sure each package radiated exclusivity and genuineness.


Our rebranding efforts were met with enthusiastic approval. The revamped storytelling and visual identity forged a stronger bond with consumers, enhancing brand recognition and loyalty. With strategic messaging and artistic flair, we redefined Nueve.27 not just as a coffee brand, but as guardians of a rich cultural legacy and purveyors of quality.

  • The brand’s true voice found resonance in the marketplace, strengthening connections with customers and partners.
  • The distinctive packaging and branding elements set Nueve.27 apart in the bustling North American coffee market.

Brand Repositioning

At our agency, we’re passionate about telling stories that connect and transcend cultures. Nueve.27’s evolution from a local gem to a player of international coffee culture is a prime example of how strategic branding and authentic storytelling can elevate a product. As they continue spreading their love for exceptional Colombian coffee worldwide, Nueve.27 proves that behind every great product is a story waiting to be shared.

Impact Area

  • Brand Strategy
  • Branded Storytelling
  • Brand Activation

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